New releases from EAM, Desert Eagle, Schiffer, Aeronaut, Sabinga Martin and Michael Cecil

info via Ley Reynolds


Special Purpose Junkers Aircraft

Desert Eagle

Merkava Special Utility Tanks, Modern AFVs of the IDF


M42 Duster


German C-Types of WW.I vol 1

German C-Types of WW.I vol 2

Sabinga Martin

Centurion Tanks of the IDF vol 10

Michael Cecil

Desert Sand to Jungle Mud - Volume 1; Jeep and Trailers
by Michael Cecil and Keith Webb

Hardback, 234 pages, approx. 300 b/w photo's, 84 pages of original technical instructions.

Chapters - First of Many; Army Service; Ambulances; Communications; Gun Towing; Special Purpose Conversions; Experiments and Trials; RAAF and RAN Service; Trailers

$115 to 120 each plus p/p

Ley can be contacted via email at or contacted at club meetings for further info (Steve - Editor).